Blueberry & Health
Blueberry is a grape kind of fruit, which grows in the mild climate zone, where East of the Black Sea region is also located.
Blueberry is a bush formed, long-lived plant with shallow root structure, which grows up well in moist, well drained, acidic and rich in organic matter soils. They can be used as well in landscaping. Also suitable for pruning in the form of the fence. Its economic life is 30-40 years.
The fruit is one of the high antioxidants on earth; because of this feature, it can be used for many different purposes: Blueberries are known curative for heart and vascular diseases, urinary diseases, mental and neurological illnesses, dementia (Alzheimer's) disease, defects of eyesight, regulation of blood sugar (diabetes), disorders of women's periods. With its protective properties and effects on health, blueberry reduces cancer's risk.